Music is an essential part of life at Queen Elizabeth’s and every year students deliver a skilled and creative programme of musical performances. It is fitting therefore that as part of our 450th anniversary celebrations the school has commissioned an anniversary anthem from acclaimed composer Howard Goodall that will be performed for the first time at Westminster Abbey on 24th March, 2023, exactly 450 years after the school’s foundation.
You will be able to hear a recording of this anthem here following its debut performance at Westminster Abbey so do visit the page again later in the year, but did you know that we already have a school song?
The lyrics for this song have fallen out of use. However, according to the October 1922 Elizabethan the School song, “Queen Elizabeth sat one day,” was first introduced in 1878, or thereabouts, by the Rev. J. Bond Lee and is believed to be a slight adaptation of one of the Harrow School songs.